图片上传 Dropzone 的 Flask 版本。 使用 1# 初始化2from flask_dropzone import Dropzone3 4app = Flask(__name__)5dropzone = Dropzone(app) 问题 传递完整文件路径名 #^b38878 1myDropzone.on("sending", function(file, xhr, formData) {2 // get the original fullPath and add it to the multipart form.3 var blob = new Blob([file.fullPath], { type: "text/plain"});4 formData.append("originalPath", blob);5}); 参考 Flask-Dropzone:为你的Flask程序添加文件上传功能 | 李辉 javascript - Is it possible to get the foldername for a file uploaded with dropzone.js - Stack Overflow ^b38878